I've been super busy with work, a course and various other things I've decided to launch onto my plate this fine 15th year into the 2000's.
So on this page you'll find out more about the project below, Nokia X. It was my first project leading as an animator! It was such an awesome experience, and I really loved working with the team. Much fun was had. We've been working on and off this project since September, and it's nice to finally have it in the public domain.
I've also been hard at work at iAnimate. An online animation school run by Jason Ryan, over in the states. It's superb, I recommend it to all levels. The amount of content and instruction is insane. For example last night our instructor gave us a 5 hour review, 5 HOURS! Crazy. Well worth the pennies. I've learnt a ton and we're only half way into this block. I'm keeping all my updates here http://indiasplingplong.blogspot.co.uk/p/anim-pops.html
And here's my latest "finished" assignment (nothing's ever finished!)
I'm also working on my short film bit by bit, and hopefully will have more stuff to show soon, as I really want to start teasing you people with it! :D. I'm so stoked about it, I just need the time to finish it now. As well as that, i'm trying to learn a bunch of software, more rigging stuff and more drawing and painting. I had compromise on the running and most other social aspects of life. My boyfriend helps me to stay in touch with reality, just about ;).
So yeah, hopefully there will be more updates of lots of fun things soon!