Saturday, 12 November 2016

Catch up!

Well quite a lot has happened the last couple of months, so here are my current updates....

Currently I'm concentrating on learning the torso, I hope at some point i can start writing about bits of things again! Cat & Moth is snowballing into production, and it's incredibly exciting!

And I can finally share what I've been working on at MPC:

Sunday, 4 September 2016



What a month! I started at Studio AKA at the beginning of August, and what an awesome place! My first piece of work is even out already. I had about a week to complete the 50 seconds of animation on me tod, and the director basically let me do what ever I wanted!

And I can't believe I didn't share this either. It was a crazy month. This is probably the first weekend I've been able to catch up on things. Anyway, here is the 2D character test I did for the film Cat & Moth that I'm directing:

Hope you are all having a wicked September, Autumn is pretty much here!

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

New shot new shot!

Yay! I can finally post my newest shot! Hurrah! I've been working away trying to get out some new content, and this is the first in a line of pieces :)

Let me know what you think in the comments!

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


Ooooohh my, I'm sooo excited to share with you the teaser poster AND teaser stills AAAND teaser trailer for Ballerina!!

Eeeeek, I thought it would be a while until we saw any movement, but here we are! YAY!! I hope you like it :D

The trailer is dubbed in French, but I ended up with quite a few shots! I'm so proud of our first movie, it was such amazing experience!

Sunday, 19 June 2016


Whooaaa there nelly, have I been a busy bee or what?! The last time I posted here was March? Yeesh, time flies.

OKAY soooo, where do I begin?

Firstly, I shall do a new "Bits of Things" post soon, I have neglected the postage terribly, and I've been burrowing away at perfecting heads.

Cat & Moth has really taken off, with the addition of Artella as a crew finding tool, it's been brilliant.

I've been adding all my drawing stuffs to tumblr and instagram as of late, as it seems easier to keep track of! I'd love if you gave me a like or follow over there!

What else.... ooohh I finished Animsquad, my that was awesome, I miss it so, and feel a bit wobbly without the routine! I'll have my shots from there to upload at the end of the month.

And breath, phew, I think that's it. So watch this space, I have some of the head structural stuff as I mentioned, AND a couple of new books to add to the mix that I'm almost done with.

Thanks for putting up with me!

Over and OUT.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Books, books and more books

Man, books make it hard travelling light.

But I'm so happy to be back with my mini-library. Going to try and squeeze as much out of them as I can whilst I'm back.

On that note... here are a few books I've seen recently that look like must haves for any collection:

The art of Zootopia - (I wanna go see this sooo bad! Hurry up UK release date!)

The Making of Fantastic Mr.Fox - The look inside feature on amazon is really extensive, looks like a fab book!

Pixar Storytelling: Rules for Effective Storytelling Based on Pixar's Greatest Films - Not the shortest title in the world, but I'm intrigued by the content. It's not directly related to Pixar, I can't work out the exact connection. But I think it's based on Pixar films rather then the opinions of Pixar themselves. But for about £6 on kindle, it might be worth a bash!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016


We are into the second week of Animsquad spring term, and this week, I had a revelation moment!

I was observing our tutor, Malcon, drawing over our shots and really looking at his short hand for describing a new emotion, or better pose. And I started to draw along with him. I felt as thought my short hand got so much better incredibly quickly. 

It's very cool watching someone draw, not for drawings sake, or for making it pretty, but to get the idea and emotion across and using that as a means to study. It really illustrates how they would approach it naturally, and not consciously. 

I wish classes for drawing could be set up like that, but the tutor would be too aware of what they are doing. I'm definitely going to be using it in the future to pick up tips.

Oh...and we love foreshortening!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Happy (belated) New Year!

Okay, sooo it's way past me being able to say Happy New Year, as February is almost done!

And with that, also is Ballerina and Montreal *sad face*. Ballerina was such an awesome experience, and I've loved living in another part of the world. We move back to Blighty soon, with new adventures afoot. Including unemployment, education, friends and family ;).

I actually can't wait to properly concentrate on Cat and Moth, and my own animations for a while. I've joined up to Animsquad, so I'm looking forward to hopefully digesting what I learnt on Ballerina.

I hope you, in the wide world web, are all staying healthy and happy. And here's to an amazing 2016! BRING IT!

What are your (rather late) aims for the New Year?