Thursday, 17 March 2016

Books, books and more books

Man, books make it hard travelling light.

But I'm so happy to be back with my mini-library. Going to try and squeeze as much out of them as I can whilst I'm back.

On that note... here are a few books I've seen recently that look like must haves for any collection:

The art of Zootopia - (I wanna go see this sooo bad! Hurry up UK release date!)

The Making of Fantastic Mr.Fox - The look inside feature on amazon is really extensive, looks like a fab book!

Pixar Storytelling: Rules for Effective Storytelling Based on Pixar's Greatest Films - Not the shortest title in the world, but I'm intrigued by the content. It's not directly related to Pixar, I can't work out the exact connection. But I think it's based on Pixar films rather then the opinions of Pixar themselves. But for about £6 on kindle, it might be worth a bash!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016


We are into the second week of Animsquad spring term, and this week, I had a revelation moment!

I was observing our tutor, Malcon, drawing over our shots and really looking at his short hand for describing a new emotion, or better pose. And I started to draw along with him. I felt as thought my short hand got so much better incredibly quickly. 

It's very cool watching someone draw, not for drawings sake, or for making it pretty, but to get the idea and emotion across and using that as a means to study. It really illustrates how they would approach it naturally, and not consciously. 

I wish classes for drawing could be set up like that, but the tutor would be too aware of what they are doing. I'm definitely going to be using it in the future to pick up tips.

Oh...and we love foreshortening!