Friday, 26 July 2013


Adam Buxton's BUG

We went to another episode of Adam Buxton's BUG at the BFI last night, courtesy of the fella! Last time was a special, and this time was an episode, so a slightly different setup  but with still a super amount of inspiring material. I've including a bunch of links, that Adam showed, that you should really wrap your eyes around. It's a combination of clips from both of the shows we saw:

Jack - Breach

Arctic Monkeys - Do I wanna know?

Satellites - 'Wasteland'

Professor Kilq - Wire and Flashing Lights

'Sweater' by Filip Sterckx for Willow - using projection techniques to give the illusion of different environments but actually in one room on a travelator.

'Remedy' by Filip Sterckx for Willow - projecting onto sculpture

'Cirrus' By cyriak for Bonobo

Adam Butxon 'Counting Song' by cyriak

'Wasting my younger years' - London Grammar - using pinhole cameras to create a type of bullet time

'Moving' - by MPC for Travis 

If you would like more updates from Adam, check him out on twitter

Remember to get inspired!

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