Friday, 31 January 2014

Clips of the week

Someone shared a brilliant video from quite a superb channel on youtube Movie Without Words. It's a perfect demonstration of how far gestures and body language can really get you. Here's my favourite so far, especially about 6 mins in. *SPOILER ALERT* Don't watch if you haven't seen the film, do check out the channel, as there's tons on there, you are bound to have seen one of them.

This was a TV show created by a frustrated Father and his 1 year old daughter, as he found most children's TV to be uninspiring. I love how bonkers it is, and yet so cute.

Loving all the Lego movie trailers and teasers, I'm trying not to watch too many because I want it to be more of a surprise. But I just had to share this clip. I love how innovative the animation of the shower is, such an awesome idea.

I've maybe been a bit slow at discovering this, but Rick and Morty is brilliant

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Time. Hilarious little animation about Time

Some nice little gif's I saw on FFFOUND!

This went round like wild fire (for obvious reasons), so you've probably already seen it. A brilliant TED video on timing and spacing.

As always I keep a lot of inspiration as I go at Animpin

Remember to get INSPIRED!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


iAnimate is a blast!! I highly recommend it.

If your interested in any of my progress, so not too bore you, I've started a thread of events here Anim pops. Or just click the navigation button just above the posts.

If you are feeling like your work is nearly there, but you really want to hone in on your skill and your education, iAnimate is a brilliant source. There is so much content, the students are great and the instructors too! Stephen Melagrano is amazing, he's really opened my eyes to things. I really can't believe I'm 4 weeks in already. Anyway, check out their latest podcast here, it's a doozy!

Any Q's, just shout!

I have a very important message...

Sent to me via twitter

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Post it tips.

I found a pile of post it notes with tips I had written on them a while ago, not sure how they made their way to my bits and bobs draw, but they are back and out with a vengeance! I think two on the left are from Directing the Story by Francis Glebas, the top right one from one of my drawing books, and the bottom right one is my moto! (although probably borrowed from someone too). I'm definitely going to have to write some more to save for my future self. I thought they would be good to share, and hopefully they'll inspire someone :)

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

New Year, New you!

I've been posting a lot this week, but I couldn't resist posting this link below. What an inspiring human being. Turn your negatives round into positives, get that fire burning. You'll definitely feel motivated and inspired after this:

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Animgather Christmas edition

With busynesstimes I haven't had chance to review Animgather 2.0, until now!

It was another gigantic success. I'm so thrilled that a whole load of human beans turned up, a bunch of old faces and a bunch of new ones too. We were located in a pub function room near Waterloo, which housed a giant mirror, for the vain ones ;). I think at the peak of the day there was about 45-50 gatherer's. Everyone was in high Christmas spirits. We had origami paper available, sketch pads, pens, music (not that that could be heard from all the chatting!) and of course we attempted a human stop motion animation again (totally optional to all attendees). This time we created a human Christmas tree, and here it is:

I adore meeting new people, it's such an inspiring experience. Some of the feedback I got was that people were a little confused by the title of our gather, "ANIM"gather, (and rightly so) but it really is an invitation to ANYONE who is creative. It just happened to be named by a bunch of animators. I really want to encourage a more diverse crowd. This time we had people that love games, film, commercials, art, drawing, socializing  and I think our furthest travelling member was from Norway! You don't have to be an animator to join us :). It's all about meeting creative people, having some fun, and getting inspired! You never know who you might meet, and where it might lead. 

As people got into the origami making, we predictably has to have a paper aeroplane contest:

It was a fab day, and we have a brand new exciting venue for the next gather in the pipeline as I type this sentence. It's definitely going to be a good one if it get's approved, lots and lots of opportunity for fun!

Here is the photographic evidence from the last event, be sure to give them a gander. 

And to keep up to date with any news, event dates or general chit chat, you can follow us on:

Facebook Animgather group - be sure to add yourself to get invited to the events :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Animgather, here's to an awesome 2014, and we look forward to meeting you soon :)

Monday, 6 January 2014

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Stop Motion

Here is my boyfriend and I's second attempt at a vine! It's surprising wonderful, being this hands on with a mini little project/app over a Sunday afternoon. The ending get's a little bit wonky, but we are pretty please with the first 2/3's, and we've learnt a lot for the next one! :D

Why not try out your own experiments? It really get's the creative juices flowing, but it feels like a break from work too!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody!

I hope you all had a wonderful festive season and a great New Year knees up. Did you get some awesome creative Christmas presents?

I got a 3 set of different blackwing pencils, I've used them a little bit so far, and I'm very excited to start experimenting with them. For those of you that may have started a drawing New Years resolution. Mike Yamada and his wife are competing to finish a 108 page sketch book this month... check it out:

Here's what we're using - 5.5"x8.5" 108 pages front & back. End pages optional.                       
 — Mike Yamada (@michaelyamada) January 1, 2014

So why not join in?

Also have a peak at Moose Allain's vine animations, some really cool stuff. I got the opportunity to meet him at the designers market (Southbank, London) over the Christmas period, very nice chap indeed!

And here was our "Morning after the night before" attempt after a heavy NYE

Here's to an awesome 2014, and remember to always get inspired!