Friday 31 January 2014

Clips of the week

Someone shared a brilliant video from quite a superb channel on youtube Movie Without Words. It's a perfect demonstration of how far gestures and body language can really get you. Here's my favourite so far, especially about 6 mins in. *SPOILER ALERT* Don't watch if you haven't seen the film, do check out the channel, as there's tons on there, you are bound to have seen one of them.

This was a TV show created by a frustrated Father and his 1 year old daughter, as he found most children's TV to be uninspiring. I love how bonkers it is, and yet so cute.

Loving all the Lego movie trailers and teasers, I'm trying not to watch too many because I want it to be more of a surprise. But I just had to share this clip. I love how innovative the animation of the shower is, such an awesome idea.

I've maybe been a bit slow at discovering this, but Rick and Morty is brilliant

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Time. Hilarious little animation about Time

Some nice little gif's I saw on FFFOUND!

This went round like wild fire (for obvious reasons), so you've probably already seen it. A brilliant TED video on timing and spacing.

As always I keep a lot of inspiration as I go at Animpin

Remember to get INSPIRED!

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