Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Apologies and Sadness

First of all apologies

I want to apologies how quiet I've been in the last few months. It all got a bit mental really.

I had a lot on my plate, and I had to prioritise my time, which meant iAnimate came first.

However...I've decided to take a block break from iAnimate, meaning I'll start Workshop 4 in their winter term in January (as who wants to go outside in January!?). Which gives me roughly 4-5 months of playtime, hurrah! Although, for the first few days, I've felt like a bit of a lost cause. Not knowing how to embrace the silence that is a late summers evening. Fear not, of course, I've come up with a horrible amount of weird and wacky things to keep me occupied, and I will try and exhibit my doings up here for you to keep an eye on me.

Planning achievements for the next 4-5 months has been tricky, because right this second it feels slightly overwhelming. Are you as addicted to to-do lists as me?! Please tell me, so I don't feel so alone.

So my main aims are:

- To be update my iAnimate page, with all the work I've produced up until now, as it's looking a little skeletal.
- explore some creative crafty arty projects, wire sculpture, more drawing, improv class, making things and ideas!
- finish the fancy animatic I've been working on for Cat and Moth, and get the site up and running so I can show you guys what's in the works
- Go outside and explore, take photos, get texture rubbings, be a kid
- Spend lots of time with my wonderful fella, who's been putting up with having an animating robot as a girlfriend for the past 8 months
- Probably some kind of updated showreel would probably be good too!

So yeah, a few biggy's, but all these things are fun, so that's grand! Can't wait to inundate you with exploration and creativity. It's all about keeping inspired right?

Now for sadness 

Robin Williams left our planet yesterday, but only in a physical form. I've never been pushed to tears at a celebrity death, but this one got me. As my friend pointed out, for our generation he was such a big part of our childhood, we almost felt like we knew him. But I don't think we will ever truly know how he felt. Depression is an awful killer, and awareness of this illness needs to be much much bigger. I hear people saying he was selfish, why didn't he think of his family, everybody loved him, he was always laughing and looked happy, but it just doesn't work like that. Those are thoughts of a logical person unaffected and outside of depression, but within it, it's a whole other way of thinking, that an outsider could never really comprehend.

But, we are fortunate to have so many wonderful recordings and memories of his pure and utter genius, and I'm thankful, that despite his demons and depression, he shared his wonderful self with us all. He affected us all in some way, it's quite incredible for one being to have that impression. He's one of the few celebrities that I would actually like to have met, I wouldn't know what to ask first. What a superb person, and a tragic loss. I hope he knows how much everyone loved him, and I hope he is at peace now. If you're into stand up comedy, check out his stuff on Spotify, and check Inside the Actors Studio too, truly that's something to get inspired by!

On that note, I'm outta here x


  1. Wow... Mega plans for your relaxing and break taking... as usual... and spot on with the tribute, couldn't agree more. <3

    1. Hahaha, ooohh yes, no rest for the wicked! I should have probably added to the list, "see the family more" too.

      Ahh thank you, well I'm truly inspired by yourself :)


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