Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Day 25!

Day 25/365! woo

I managed to get a seat for one stop on the way back, so here's my page:

Oh and here's a page I forgot to add from yesterday!

It's great that a couple of people have joined in at work too! It's motivational, when there's people to egg each other on :)


  1. Is it me or do all those cats seem to be saying something different. The one at the top is my favourite... "derrrr!" well that's what it looks like to me

  2. heheh yeah! I used some photos for expression reference :)

  3. like the top cat...he's saying (to me) moooooooohhhwww,like a deep mowwwwww

    and woo i joined you! :D

  4. Thanks! :D heheh yeah love deep meows!

    woo!! It's really fun!


Thank you for your comment, please come back again soon :D